


A 60-90 minute assessment is a prerequisite for training. During this time we’ll do a deep dive on your dog, their history, and your training goals to customize a management and training plan.
{ $175 }


Training Sessions

Training sessions come in 3 models so that you can choose what will work best for your family. Most sessions are 1 hour but may be shortened to accommodate your dog’s needs and comfort. Sessions include a follow up email and homework assignments when applicable. Behavioral needs and other factors may dictate which model is most appropriate.


Just want a little help?  Single sessions are $135.  Have a few things on your training wish list?  A 5-session package ($650) may be right for you.  Have a big problem?  A 10-session package is $1250.
{ $135 | $650 | $1250 }

Day Training

I come to your home to work one-on-one with your dog 3 times per week, taking field trips as needed. Once a week we will work together so that I can coach you on how to help your dog practice their new behaviors. This option is best for people with busy schedules.

Client Coaching

I work with you and your dog during each session. I provide hands-on coaching to help you with your handling skills as well as walk you through how to teach your dog. This option is best for people who want to engage most effectively with their dog.


This looks a little different for every client. Some may join each session for a portion of the time, while others may be present to be coached on some days but choose day training on others.


Ready for a tailored training experience unlike any other?